Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Purpose in Work

So I have been thinking about this a lot and actually did a campaigners lesson on purpose in work life. I was thinking one day when I was at my job. ”How is working as an engineer supposed to bring glory to God’s kingdom?” I have heard many people in my life tell me that you can spread God’s word no matter where you are and it doesn’t matter what you do that there is a need for a missionary in all areas of the world. But still I keep coming back to the thought that maybe I was meant for more and that I could be doing more effective work for the Lord. Also, I felt that if it was nothing and that it really wasn’t anything, then I would not have this strong of a feeling about it. I actually wrote my thoughts about this stuff down and left it in the old desk I used to work at.
At my plant and I’m sure at other plants as well, there is a very definite mission field with the people there. It was very obvious that the things that I love and enjoy were very different from the guys’ that I hung out with. I know I can make a difference just by loving these guys unconditionally while setting apart my behavior and attitude from theirs. Now don’t take me wrong I am not judging them, I think these guys are great, but they just have very different morals and beliefs.
So I am coming to the conclusion that is okay that I am working as an engineer and chose this career path. What I found also is that God made us to work and it should be a privilege to us. Also, whatever I do I should find a purpose in it and do it for Him not for anything else. And God can be glorified in anything if you offer it to him and seek him in the ethical and social decisions you make in the workplace. Another thing is I realized is that just because I feel like this is not doing enough, doesn’t mean that God is not pleased with what I am doing. There are many other things I discovered about this particular subject but they are written on a piece of paper in my car and it is like 19 degrees outside. So this may sound like I am rambling but this was something that I thought about for a long time and I hope that this helps anybody else who maybe had the same type of thoughts.

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